Paige Douglas

Special Education Teacher


Special Education

Hi! My name is Paige Douglas and I am so excited for my first year with Inspire as one of the Special Education Teachers. This is my 4th year teaching in Special Education. I have my Masters in Special Education from Metro State University of Denver. I am proudly from Colorado; I grew up in Aurora and Commerce City. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I love going roller skating, playing volleyball, going for walks with my sweet pup, eating delicious food, and practicing yoga. I am very excited for this school year, I cannot wait to build strong relationships with your students and make school a fun and exciting place to be.

My Favorite Things
Favorite Morning Snack: Banana and peanut butter or a pastry
Favorite Drink: Herbal Tea or a kombucha
Favorite Morning Drink: Hot lavender matcha latte with oat milk
Favorite Lunch Food: Chicken tikka masala
Favorite Candy/Treat: Peanut butter M&Ms
Favorite Color: Green (I love many shades)
Favorite Flower: Peonies
Favorite Places to Shop: Local small clothing stores
Favorite Places to Eat: La Fillette Bakery
Favorite Activities: Volleyball, Roller Skating, Nature Walks, Yoga & Pilates, Reading