Health Information

How Sick is Too Sick?

There are four main reasons to keep children and adults at home:

  1. The child or staff is at risk of infecting others with COVID-19 or another
    contagious illness, either because of symptoms or recent close contact.
  2. The child or staff member does not feel well enough to take part in usual
    activities. For example, a child is overly tired, fussy or will not stop crying.
  3. A child needs more care than teachers and staff can give while still caring for the other
  4. The child or staff member has symptoms or an illness is on this list, and staying home is

Click on CDE’s (Colorado Department of Education)’s How Sick is Too Sick? for guidance on vomiting, flu, diarrhea, fever, chicken pox, etc.

If you have any questions, contact our School Nurse, Shaunta’ Aguilar at 



Children and staff who have suspected COVID-19 or who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 must be excluded and follow CDPHE’s isolation guidance.

Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive should isolate and ask a health care provider about COVID-19 medicine. People who have been exposed to COVID-19 should take precautions, like wearing a mask around others, for 10 days.


If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home.

You are likely most infectious during these first 5 days.

After you have ended isolation, when you are feeling better (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms improving),


Note: If your antigen test results1 are positive, you may still be infectious. You should continue wearing a mask and wait at least 48 hours before taking another test. Continue taking antigen tests at least 48 hours apart until you have two sequential negative results. This may mean you need to continue wearing a mask and testing beyond day 10.

If you have any questions, contact our School Nurse, Shaunta’ Aguilar at 


What Are Head Lice?

Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp and feed on blood. They can be an annoyance, but they do not carry or transmit diseases. Lice infestations are not a sign of poor hygiene; anyone can get them.

How to Identify Head Lice:

Adult lice are about the size of a sesame seed and are grayish-white to tan.

Nits (lice eggs) are tiny, oval, and usually yellow to white in color. They are often found close to the scalp, attached to the hair shaft.

What We Are Doing:

Confidentiality: We respect the privacy and confidentiality of all our students. The affected student’s identity will be kept confidential.

Alerting Parents: Parents of the respective grade level are notified. 

Classroom Cleaning: Facilities has been notified to increase cleaning in the respective classrooms. 

Informational Materials: Attached, find materials from our school nurse for parents about head lice identification, treatment, and prevention.
Head Lice 101 for Parents – English
Head Lice 101 for Parents – Espanol
Head Lice_ What Parents Need to Know –
Pediculosis (piojos en la cabeza)_ lo que los padres deben saber –

What You Can Do:

Check Your Child’s Hair: We encourage all parents to check their child’s hair for lice and nits regularly. If you discover lice or nits, please notify the school and keep your child home until they have been treated.

Treatment: If your child has head lice, follow the treatment recommendations provided by your healthcare provider and thoroughly clean your child’s personal items (bedding, brushes, hats, etc.).

Prevention: Teach your child to avoid head-to-head contact and sharing personal items like hats, brushes, and combs.

If you have any questions, contact our School Nurse, Shaunta’ Aguilar at 

Medical Forms

Medical forms (student medication administration, asthma, anaphylaxis, self-carry, seizure, vaccine exemption) are accessible on our Handbook and Forms webpage.