Curriculum & Assessment

Student using laptop and coloring

Curriculum Philosophy

To thrive in today’s world, students need both breadth and depth in their educational experience.
We give students opportunities to explore their interests and cultivate uniquely differentiated
strengths. Our curriculum taps into students’ natural curiosity, is developmentally aligned, is
flexible, and is mastery based.

Inspire Elementary’s curriculum includes objectives in five major areas.

  1. Building a positive learning environment: Inspire Elementary builds a positive learning
    community that fosters deep relationships among students and teachers.  Time and
    attention are dedicated to communication, collaboration, and independent learning.
  2. Inspire Elementary utilizes a workshop approach for much of the instructional block. That means following direct instruction, students engage independent task before collaborating on their work together. During this time, the teacher checks in on students to provide feedback while also pulling small groups for additional support or enrichment.
  3. Engaging in “authentic” formative and summative assessments of learning and skill development: Regular exhibitions and presentations of student work are woven into the culture of Inspire Elementary. Authentic learning happens within and beyond the classroom. We embrace the power of student-engaged assessment practices to build student ownership of learning, focus students on reaching standards-based learning targets, and drive achievement.
  4. Connecting students to the “real world”: Students at Inspire Elementary are involved in authentic work that matters. Students have opportunities to delve deeply into their interests and passions, therefore developing a personal connection to their work in the classroom and beyond.
  5. Encouraging teachers to work collaboratively and as deep learners themselves in pursuit of excellence: Teachers participate in ongoing professional development to support their personal growth and pedagogical content knowledge to maximize student growth.

Curriculum Resources


Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive PK–5 curriculum that equips teachers to fully
implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in a manner that is rigorous,
coherent, engaging, and accessible to all learners. The curriculum focuses on developing
students’ deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability
to solve complex and novel problems.


Wonders is designed to foster students’ growth as readers, writers, communicators, and life-ready
learners. Through exploration of texts and daily development of their skills, students experience
the power of literacy. Drawing upon decades of literacy research, Wonders delivers high-quality
literacy instruction backed by the Science of Reading. The program is underpinned by the
findings of preeminent reading researchers—because modern classrooms should be served by
proven instructional practices.

Amplify Science

Amplify Science is a K–8 science curriculum that blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich
activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like
real scientists and engineers.

InquirED Journeys

In inquiry-based social studies, students learn through investigation, similar to the kinds of
investigation that happen in experiment-based science classes. Investigations start with a
question that students explore as they learn. Then, they gather evidence from different sources to
help them answer the question. Finally, they come to conclusions and share their findings with

iReady Assessments

Students complete the adaptive iReady diagnostic four times per year. This provides teacher the
opportunity to determine student growth and identify next steps for support. Additionally, grades
2-5 utilize the iReady Standards Mastery assessments to determine mastery towards state
standards. Finally, following the iReady diagnostic, an individualized lesson plan is created for
students to work on skills needed for growth. Students complete these lessons in class and can
also work from home.

Here are the 23/24 School Year Assessment dates.

Specials Courses

Inspire Elementary offers the following Specials classes: Art, Library, Music, Physical Education. Click on the Specials Skills Development at Inspire link to learn more about how each specials class enhances academic skills development and life skills.

CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success)

CMAS Testing Letter